some algorithmic puzzles, tutorials, interview questions... and stuff...

Saturday, September 05, 2009

How to print all the paths from the root to a leaf in a tree

Consider the following tree:

   1:             10
   2:            /   \
   3:           25    7
   4:               /   \
   5:              8     2
There are three paths from the root to a leaf, in this tree:
10 -> 25
10 -> 7 -> 8
10 -> 7 -> 2
Some programming questions I found on the net, and are useful to know, are how to print all these paths, given a tree in a structure as below, and another one, how to find if one of these paths has a certain given sum. Both are solved using recursion.
To print all the paths recursively, we need the current node, and a way to know what path reaches till that node. Therefore we could write something like this:

   1:  void printPaths(struct node* node) { 
   2:      struct node* prevPaths[100];
   3:      int pathLen = 0;
   4:      printPaths(node, prevPaths, pathLen);
   5:  }
So we start out with the root node and an empty list (no paths before the root node). Replacing the array prevPaths[100] with something reasonable is left as a challenge to the reader.

   1:  void printPaths(node* head, node** prevPaths, int pathLen) {
   2:      if (head == 0) { //we have reached the end, print the existing path
   3:          cout << "path: ";
   4:          for (int i = 0; i < pathLen; i++)
   5:              cout << prevPaths[i]->data << " ";
   6:          cout << endl;
   7:          return;
   8:      } //otherwise
   9:      prevPaths[pathLen] = head; //add the current node to the path
  10:      pathLen++; //increase the path length
  11:      if (head->left == 0 && head->right == 0) //if it has no children then call the function one more time to print the paths
  12:          printPaths(head->left, prevPaths, pathLen);
  13:      else if (head->left == 0 && head->right != 0) //if it has one child, continue to it
  14:          printPaths(head->right, prevPaths, pathLen);
  15:      else if (head->left != 0 && head->right == 0)
  16:          printPaths(head->left, prevPaths, pathLen);
  17:      else {
  18:          printPaths(head->left, prevPaths, pathLen);//if it has both children, search both
  19:          printPaths(head->right, prevPaths, pathLen);
  20:      }
How about if you would want to find out if a certain path has a give sum? Following the same principle we get:

   1:  int hasPathSum(struct node* node, int sum) { 
   2:      if (node == 0) //we reached a dead end
   3:          if (sum == 0)
   4:              return 1;
   5:          else
   6:              return 0;
   7:      sum -= node->data; //otherwise continue to each child with the remaining sum
   8:      return max(hasPathSum(node->left, sum), hasPathSum(node->right, sum));    
   9:  }
So we go through each path, removing the current value of the node from the existing sum. If at the end, the sum is 0, then the values from that path add up to exactly the inital sum, otherwise not.

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