There is a O(n) solution: go through each index of the array, remembering what the max sum is until now, from where it starts and where it ends. At each step, remember a local sub-array and check if it's larger than the maximum. If it is, the maximum becomes the current sub-array. If the local sum ever becomes <0, just restart the sub-array with the next index. Here's the algorithm:
1: int arr[10] = {3, 1, 6, -1, -7, 3, 10, -5, 0, 1};
2: int maxsum = arr[0];
3: int maxstart = 0;
4: int maxend = 0;
5: int sum = arr[0];
6: int start = 0;
7: for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
8: sum += arr[i];
9: if (sum > maxsum) {
10: maxsum = sum;
11: maxend = i;
12: maxstart = start;
13: }
14: if (sum < 0) {
15: sum = 0;
16: start = i + 1;
17: }
18: }
19: cout << "maxsum=" << maxsum << endl;
20: cout << "sequence: ";
21: for (int i = maxstart; i <= maxend; i++) {
22: cout << arr[i] << " ";
23: }
24: cout << endl;
Here's what this prints:
1: maxsum=15
2: sequence: 3 1 6 -1 -7 3 10
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