some algorithmic puzzles, tutorials, interview questions... and stuff...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

How to implement a heap

Doing basic operations on a heap is a more complicated than implementing a binary tree, but is a good thing to know just in case. The easiest and most efficient way to implement a heap is using an array.

Inserting to a heap means adding a new element to the last position, than restoring the heap property, by moving up the tree. The child of a node k in the array is at positions 2k+1 and 2k+2, so moving up the tree is just basic arithmetic.

Deleting from the heap simply means replacing the root (the element at position k 0) with the last element, delete the last element, and restore the heap property.
Without further delays, here's the code.

For insertion:

   1:  template <class T>
   2:  void addToHeap(vector<T>* heap, T val) {
   3:      heap->push_back(val);
   4:      int pos = heap->size() - 1;
   5:      if (pos == 0)
   6:          return;
   7:      bool fixingHeap = true;
   8:      do {
   9:          int parent = 0;
  10:          if (pos % 2 == 0)
  11:              parent = (pos - 2) / 2;
  12:          else
  13:              parent = (pos - 1) / 2;
  14:          if (heap->at(parent) < heap->at(pos)) {
  15:              T temp = heap->at(pos);
  16:              heap->at(pos) = heap->at(parent);
  17:              heap->at(parent) = temp;
  18:              pos = parent;
  19:          } else {
  20:              fixingHeap = false;
  21:          }
  22:      } while (fixingHeap && pos != 0);
  23:  }

For deleting:

   1:  template <class T>
   2:  T deleteFromHeap(vector<T>* heap) {
   3:      int size = heap->size();
   4:      if (size == 0) {
   5:          return -1;
   6:      }
   7:      T ret = heap->front();
   8:      if (size == 1) {
   9:          heap->clear();
  10:          return ret;
  11:      }
  12:      if (size == 2) {
  13:          heap->at(0) = heap->at(size - 1);
  14:          heap->pop_back();
  15:          return ret;
  16:      }
  17:      heap->at(0) = heap->at(size - 1);
  18:      heap->pop_back();
  19:      size--;
  20:      bool fixingHeap = true;
  21:      int pos = 0;
  22:      do {
  23:          int child1 = 2 * pos + 1;
  24:          int child2 = 2 * pos + 2;
  25:          int switchPosition = 0;
  26:          T max = 0;
  27:          if (child2 < size) {
  28:              //2 children
  29:              if (heap->at(child1) > heap->at(child2)) {
  30:                  switchPosition = child1;
  31:                  max = heap->at(child1);
  32:              }
  33:              else {
  34:                  switchPosition = child2;
  35:                  max = heap->at(child2);
  36:              }
  37:              if (heap->at(pos) < max) {
  38:                  T temp = heap->at(pos);
  39:                  heap->at(pos) = heap->at(switchPosition);
  40:                  heap->at(switchPosition) = temp;
  41:                  pos = switchPosition;
  42:              } else {
  43:                  fixingHeap = false;
  44:              }
  45:          } else if (child1 < size) {
  46:              //1 child
  47:              if (heap->at(pos) < heap->at(child1)) {
  48:                  T temp = heap->at(pos);
  49:                  heap->at(pos) = heap->at(child1);
  50:                  heap->at(child1) = temp;
  51:                  pos = child1;
  52:              } else {
  53:                  fixingHeap = false;
  54:              }
  55:          } else {
  56:              //0 children;
  57:              fixingHeap = false;
  58:          }
  59:      } while (fixingHeap);
  60:      return ret;
  61:  }

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