The problem is easily solved in a recursive way: take each number and see which letters are assigned to it. Take each letter in turn, and each turn generate all possible combinations with the other letters:
1: //keep here the vector of letters
2: //like on position 5, the letters "jkl", which are on key 5 of a phone
3: vector<string> words;
5: void generateWords(int* vec, int size, int index, vector<char>* currentWord) {
6: if (index == size) {//print if we reached the end
7: for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
8: cout << currentWord->at(i);
9: cout << endl;
10: return;
11: }
12: //otherwise take each letter from the current key and add it to the stack
13: //then generate combinations with the other keys
14: for (int i = 0; i < words[vec[index]].size(); i++) {
15: currentWord->push_back(words[vec[index]][i]);
16: generateWords(vec, size, index + 1, currentWord);
17: currentWord->pop_back();
18: }
19: }
To call this, "words" needs to be initialized, like this:
1: words.push_back(""); //0
2: words.push_back(".,'"); //1
3: words.push_back("abc"); //2
4: words.push_back("def"); //3
5: words.push_back("ghi"); //4
6: words.push_back("jkl"); //5
7: words.push_back("mno"); //6
8: words.push_back("pqrs");//7
9: words.push_back("tuv"); //8
10: words.push_back("wxyz");//9
11: int size = 3;
12: int vec[] = { 2, 5, 8 };
13: vector<char> currentWord;
14: generateWords(vec, size, 0, ¤tWord);
Where is the matching to determine if it is actually a "word"? Doesn't this just generate all possible combinations to which you would still need to do the comparison against a dictionary of sorts?
ReplyDeleteRight. I think "word" was not the best choice. In case only real existing words are needed, then the results would need to be compared to an existing dictionary.